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Saturday, November 20, 2010

Critical Thinking Discussion: Generational Core Values.

Each generation bases their decisions on their own core values. What are your core values? Make a list of your core values and then select two, and only two, that you feel illustrate your own personal core values.

My personal core values are [in no particular order]:

• Individuality
• Creativity
• Diversity
• Tolerance
• Honesty
• Integrity
• Empathy
• Hope
• Morality
• Family
• Achievement

The two that I feel are the most important to me are tolerance and empathy. I list this even over family, because [the way I see it, anyway], one's relationship with one's family is directly influenced by a display -- and by a lack of -- these two qualities, as well as bearing directly on one's social interactions in general. I think that the Millennial Generation's [in general] willingness and ability to accept others, even when they are different, says a lot about how far we've come from generations in the past, who had been raised with values steeped in prejudice and racism. Tolerant and empathetic people are not only better at displaying warmth and understanding, but they are also more socially competent -- and socially competent people are more successful in life. So, really, these qualities are just as essential as any academic training.

The fact is, we live in a diverse world, so not only are these traits desirable -- they are necessary.

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