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Sunday, November 7, 2010

English Assignment: Narrative Essay.


It disappoints me whenever I think on the trend of getting needless cosmetic surgery to fit society's definition of external beauty. So many girls have paid so much money and gone through so much pain in a desperate effort to fit into someone else's definition of beauty.

Ladies, do we really think so little of our own bodies that we are willing to slice and dice ourselves so that other people will stop and stare? Has it ever occurred to you that you don’t have to be pretty?

I definitely understand esteem issues, but I'm referring to more than a normal 'I want to look nice today', or 'I feel ugly today' - I mean extreme self-loathing, and especially from girls who, in reality, have nothing wrong with them. Not all cosmetic surgery is bad -- there is such a thing as reconstructive surgery, for example, and personally, I am not against surgery in those cases. But ladies - is there really a serious defect, or serious damage done to your body, that you wish to correct - or are you allowing society to dictate how you view your own body?

The media and doctors often only show people the glamorous side of going under the knife - call me crazy, but I personally believe that the public should be aware of all aspects of it. What do famous celebrities who have had plastic surgeries have to say on it? Do all of them really have no regrets? Do they really feel better about their bodies, now that they have been nipped and tucked / enhanced / injected into? Is it really just a matter of finding the right surgeon? If these are some of the questions going through your minds, ladies, than perhaps a honest and open opinion from a celebrity who can afford the best of the best when it comes to surgeons may be just the thing you need to hear.

According to the Sydney Morning Herald, the 24-year old Reality TV star Heidi Montag went under the knife to have around 10 surgeries in one day, previously stating that she had "no regrets" about the procedures. However, the former star of The Hills now claims that she wasn't warned about the dangers of cosmetic surgery and sometimes wishes she "could go back to the original Heidi".
"I don't want the biggest boobs in the world and, to be honest, I would take them out and downsize them but I don't want to go under the knife again," the New York Daily News quoted her as saying.

"I thought that first night that I came out of the hospital, I was gonna die out of pain," she recalled. "I didn't think I could physically endure that much pain. I mean, I looked like I was hit by a truck. My body went through so much trauma ... little precision cuts, you know, throughout my entire body." She says she "couldn't even go to the bathroom. I couldn't even walk for days. My face was so swollen. You know, my ear, everything had stitches on it. My back was black and blue. No one should look like that. You should only look like that if an accident happened and you're fighting to survive."
You don’t owe prettiness to anyone. You don’t owe it to your mother; you don’t owe it to your children; you don't owe it to your boyfriend, spouse or partner; you don't owe it to your co-workers - and you especially don't owe it to random men on the street.

Prettiness is not a rent you pay for occupying a space marked “female”.

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