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Friday, September 10, 2010

Psychology Essay: Neurotransmitters.

This is another essay assignment for my Psychology class; I'm mainly posting them in here for my friend Wave, as she is interested in becoming a Psychology major, but I'm happy to share this information with anyone that is interested. I think that all of this is very interesting. :)

Name at least three things you learned from the material on neurotransmitters and specify how you will apply them in your own life?

[1] Neurotransmitters are chemicals that help ferry signals across the divide between nerve cells.

[2] Four of the most important or common neurotransmitters are: Serotonin; Norepinephrine; Acetylcholine; and Dopamine. Each in the proper amounts and presence is important in maintaining healthy physical and mental functioning.

[3] Synapses are essential to neuronal function; synapses are the means by which neurons pass signals to the individual target cells. It is in the synapse that outside substances can enter the nervous system.

I was particularly interested in the four most important/common neurotransmitters, specifically, Serotonin and Norepinephrine.

I've heard of Serotonin, but didn't quite know exactly what it was until now: "A calming force that affects the mood, hunger, temperature regulation, sensory perception, arousal and sleep patterns, and emotions"; I also learned that too much Serotonin can cause out-of-control aggression, and for this reason, anti-depressants prevent the re-uptake of Serotonin so it remains in the synapse and keeps a person's mood elevated.

As for Norepinephrine, I learned that is is "the controller of arousal and alertness; helps regulate moods, affects dreams, prepares the body to fight or flee a threat by constricting blood vessels in times of stress or shock, increasing heart rate and blood pressure, and releasing more fuel into the bloodstream in stressful situations." I did not know until now that the absence of Norepinephrine has been linked to depression, and that antidepressant drugs called Serotonin and Norepinephrine Re-uptake Inhibitors [SNRI's] increase the neurotransmitter's levels.

I am always interested in how anti-depressants work, as depression is something that I combat, so this is definitely knowledge that I can use in my own every day life.


  1. This is so interesting. I always wondered why some symptoms of depressions involve alertness and arousal. Like, lowered alertness and arousal. But that makes sense now. I LOVE your essays. Thanks so much for posting these. xoxo

  2. Thanks so much Wave! ^^ And of course!! I hope that they can help you out!
