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Wednesday, September 1, 2010

Psychology - Introduction Questions.

• Discuss at least three things you hope to learn in this course? Why do you want to learn them?

- I hope to have a much better understanding of response to stimuli; I wonder how much of our behavior is influenced by our senses. It completely fascinates me.

• What are you willing to do to get the most out of this course? How much time and energy are you realistically going to put into this course?

- I am willing to set aside at least two hours [ideally, three] for three different days in the week, to devote them to my studies in this course. The structure of the human mind fascinates me very much; it is so complex; so intricate and wonderful - there is so much that I would love to understand about how our own minds work.

• To achieve your academic goals, for this course, what study habits will you keep? Which will you change? (Give at least 5 total - and explain why you chose them.

[1] Work on not cramming all of my studying to one specific time, but space it out.
[2] Plan specific times for my studying.
[3] Set specific goals for each personal study session.
[4] Work on taking notes in class for study later.
[5] Work on being consistent with my personal study time.

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