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Monday, October 18, 2010

Psychology Essay: Attribution.

What in the material on attribution do you see applying to yourself? Why?

Judgments people make about the reasons things happen.
[Often influenced by a person's previous experience, personality, and other factors].

As I touched on in the discussion forum this week, I personally related to battling the Self-Serving Bias, in which people attribute their successes to internal or personal factors but attribute their failures to situational factors beyond their control. Have you ever known people that liked to judge themselves by their motives, and everyone else by their actions? People that loved to take credit for any success, but had no problem shifting responsibility when facing negative consequences? It seems convenient to me, too; it usually kicks in to spare one's self-esteem and image.

I don't believe that I suffer from the "illusory superiority" that's related to this common human tendency; nevertheless, this default response is one that I personally don't like in myself, and I'm therefore a little sensitive towards seeing it in other people [because I work hard on not being that way, it irritates me when I see other people living in self-denial and not trying] - which is yet, another thing I try to keep balanced with.

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